
Mia Grace


Tell us about one of the earliest memories of your career

The earliest memory I have, I don’t know if it counts but my older brother grew up always writing scripts and putting together his own movies and shows. He asked me to help with the music and I wrote a song for one of his films. I remember writing and recording the song with my dad and it’s just one of the sweetest memories I have.

How do you prepare yourself before you start a new project?

I never really stop, so I don’t prepare either. Once I decide to create, I just keep at it until I finish.

If you had to define yourself to the world, what would the headline be?

I’m just getting started.

What does success mean to you?

Success means to me that myself alongside the people I love are happy and healthy.

How has the perspective of your dreams and objectives changed over the years?

In 2023 I went through a health scare and started to re think my aspirations. I felt somewhat defeated thinking I wouldn’t be able to achieve my dreams because what I had went through but now I realize you just have to g for it and keep moving forward.

What has been the most important learning during your career?

The most important thing I learned was to never stop and keep moving forward.

Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?

I will be releasing a single soon. It showcases my more soulful sultry side and features live instruments.



Mia Grace stands out as a distinguished pop and R&B singer-songwriter, hailing from a lineage entrenched in hip hop royalty as showcased in the unsung documentary featuring her father, PM Dawn. The daughter of the esteemed Mary Sierra, a notable figure in the music industry, Mia Grace embarked on her musical odyssey at the age of thirteen, drawing inspiration from her illustrious lineage.

Renowned for her narrative-rich and metaphorical lyricism, Mia Grace is committed to crafting music that transcends genres, showcasing a dynamic and sophisticated artistic style. Devoted to honing her craft, she exudes a magnetic mystique and an apparent, effortless prowess that seamlessly translates into her music. Initially pursuing studies at Berklee College of Music, Mia Grace now concentrates on the meticulous refinement of her sound, engaging in ongoing projects, and undertaking a comprehensive study of the intricacies within the music industry.

In addition to her musical pursuits, Mia Grace has made noteworthy contributions to the cinematic world. Her debut single played a prominent role in the movie “Escaping Paradise,” directed by the renowned Paul Tanter. Furthermore, Mia’s single “Wait” gained recognition when featured in Trae Ireland’s film, “The Matchmaker.” These achievements showcase her versatility. Positioned on a trajectory of promise, Mia Grace is poised to emerge as a pivotal figure in contemporary pop culture, with her artistry reflecting a fusion of her rich musical heritage.