
Joseph Wendrich


Tell us about one of the earliest memories of your career

While training in the UK, I was fortunate enough to be selected as one of twelve young men to work with Frantic Assembly, a renowned theater company in London. Working with Frantic and witnessing their contemporary style opened my eyes to what theater could be, and how the performers can utilize their entire being, along with each other, to tell stories in a powerful, energetic, gripping way that can leave an audience in awe and wonderment.

How do you prepare yourself before you start a new project?

Research, research and research. As much as I can get and it’s never enough. I have to know the fundamentals, such as time period, location, relationships, etc. I also like to daydream, just imagining my life as this character, how do I think? What opinions do I have? I have conversations with myself and try to find out their physical traits in my body. It’s always slightly different depending on the project. I also do what I call running the lines. Once I’ve read the script and scenes a few times so I understand the story and structure, I then just repeat my lines over and over until they are in the back of my mind and I can now play within the scene, without having to search for the lines.

If you had to define yourself to the world, what would the headline be?

“If your only reason to not take an opportunity is because you’re afraid to do it; do it.”

If you could write your own story, what would your destiny be? What goals would you like to achieve?

I want to be able to help people. Whether or not it is directly related to my career I don’t know, but in my life I want to be able to protect those close to me and be a positive influence on those around me. In my career I want to tell stories that inspire people the same way I was inspired as a child. I love epic stories, stories where humankind must put aside their differences for the greater good. I want to inspire the next generation of heroes.

What does success mean to you?

I think success is progression, and if you are moving forward on the road put before you then you are successful. Only when you give up, and stop searching for passion and wisdom, stop looking for ways to grow, will you stop being successful.

How has the perspective of your dreams and objectives changed over the years?

Mainly in terms of my focus. When I was first starting out I was strictly goal oriented, and would put a huge amount of dedication and sacrifice into my goal, while not necessarily appreciating my life as it was happening around me. I think it is necessary to be able to do both, which is what I am focusing on at the moment.

What has been the most important learning during your career?

Letting go of fear. I was an extremely shy kid, and the idea of public speaking terrified me. I had severe social anxiety, something I still struggle with, and I never could have imagined that I would one day be an actor. Taking the first step into the unknown, and not necessarily overcoming the fear, but pushing ahead regardless, was something that has changed my life, and the more I do it, the easier it becomes.

Any upcoming projects you can tell us about?

I have a few upcoming projects coming up, such as a few short films, miniseries, and a movie series, all of which have been amazing experiences, as I have had the fortune to work with some of the most talented up and coming artists in the industry, as well as industry professionals at the top of their game.


Joseph is a twenty-four year old actor from Wales, UK. He has trained in the UK and US, has worked with notable theater companies in London, and has many upcoming projects here in LA. Joseph has a background in martial arts, in which he has trained for over ten years, and has a love for traveling to wild places, both of which he hopes to further in his acting career.